
Theresa Weber

June 8, 2024
October 13, 2024

In the summer of 2024, the Bochum Art Museum shows Theresa Weber's first major solo exhibition in a museum context. Under the title Chaosmos, an expansive, organic landscape is being created on the ground floor of the art museum. Textile sculptures and images cast in silicone combine to form a cultural fabric - this creates a cosmos of beautiful coincidences, human and divine interrelationships and simultaneities.

Some of her works are continuations of existing groups of works, such as the large-scale fabric sculpture Entanglement of the Four Goddesses , which the artist realised for the ramp of the art museum on the occasion of the exhibition, Our house is a very very very fine house. In Chaosmos, Theresa Weber creates her own visual narrative in which hierarchy and either/or thinking do not predominate, but rather mutual exchange, productive chaos and the constant reinvention of the self are central.

The exhibition is supported by the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation and the city of Bochum.